Expertly Harnessing the Power of Data

Magian Analytics improves business outcomes across key industries.

Investment Research

It’s about econometrics. For the investor, Magian Analytics is improving odds for the “win” by helping to select winning projects early and recognizing the underlying indicators for success. By the use of econometrics models such as marketing mix modeling, attribution modeling, and others, to study factors like consumer behavior and product strength, Magian replaces subjectivity with data science to assess startup viability and ultimately bring sound decision-making to investment prospects. We are committed to guiding our clients to:

  1. Invest in the good
  2. Zero-in on potential flaws
  3. Avoid committing to the bad
  4. Make smarter decisions during growth stages

Valuation Support

Leverage your data. ​There is a continued disconnect between the expectation of buyers and sellers. What are you doing to narrow the gap?

Magian uses your data for attribution modeling to best understand key aspects of businesses and its units to highlight the real synergies in context of strategic mergers. For the essential purpose of optimizing valuation in a strategic merger deal, we deploy vast data for predictive and prescriptive analytics.

Research and analytics drives the illustration of what could happen in the future along with what you would like to happen in the future, assuming various sets of strategic, merger scenarios. All business units vital to the strategic sale and synergy of merged companies will be examined for financial impact.

Enterprise Guidance

Econometrics unlocks opportunities.

Following the funding stage, we can serve as an asset to both investor and entrepreneur, leveraging data for a deeper dive into the vital elements, such as strategic partnerships, brand building, product delivery, and any ongoing innovation/business development efforts.

We use various econometrics models to help achieve optimization of companion product opportunities. Our optimization models are also very keen in determining up-sell and cross-sell opportunities.

Tell us about you.

Business challenges? The solutions may be buried deep within the data. Let us help you uncover the truth. Schedule a consultation.